...get right back up there before you lose your nerve. Wow. Has it really been that long? I could make excuses. I'm actually quite good at it (my kids had to get the skill from someone). That, however, would be a waste of time. We're all busy, and we all have other projects which take over our time. Some of those projects even pay some of the bills! Fortunately, however, while I have been off lollygagging elsewhere, I have also been finding some amazing resources that most homeschooling moms, and even a lot of other moms would not want to be without! Today, while I remember how to write, I'll share a few of my favorites. Forgive the scatter shot approach. Hopefully you will find something that will work for you. Oh, and homeschoolers, please don't navigate away thinking, "Thank heavens we don't need any of these! Our school year is finally, FINALLY, almost over!" Consider doing something fun and informal over the summer. Heck, if you live where I live, the outdoors is not fit for man nor beast anyway. My dear lovelies know that when summer starts, we're just getting started...(cue evil laugh).
Nadene at Practical Pages has put together a compendium of resources that boggles my mind (admittedly not too difficult to do) every time I look at it. The fact that she offers these resources for free astounds me. Her art era timelines and paper dolls are just so neat! Nadene's webpage is further proof that you absolutely can homeschool for free, especially with moms like her sharing their resources so generously.
Speaking of offering resources for free (and I really should have these in their own separate category, but when I posted them on my Facebook, I was so pleased to find out that two of my friends drained their printer ink printing from them!), these two sites are an absolute goldmine! Donna Young's site will take you hours to explore. There are more things on this site than even I can imagine (and my imagination is pretty limitless). Check out the planners , the full penmanship series , and, one of my favorites, the planners for Apologia's Young Explorers Series. If navigating the site becomes overwhelming, Donna offers her entire site, plus many more resources, on CD. Happily, the CD is on sale right now! I've been debating its purchase for what feels like years, but looking all through the site again to write about it has finally convinced me that my homeschool cannot be without these resources ready at my fingertips!
Another site that is full of useful printables is Chart Jungle. Don't be fooled by the unassuming front page. There are charts for every possible use on this site. Look around and find what you need.
Finally, this site is a rather random one to throw in, but it is so neat, and my kids just love the coloring pages. As we read our ancient Greek history, Perseus and Medusa come to life with these free coloring pages. They are so detailed, and so free!
I have tons more, and I won't be absent nearly as long next time. I hope!
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